Monday, August 30, 2010

SWF Seeks Cute Faerie Home.

I can't resist.

I have come across so many quaint little homes in my travels....I must have one!!!  Some are simple, some are Goldilocks I'm looking for one that's JUST right.

Is it crazy to purchase a home so soon after coming into existence?  To put down roots when I've barely gotten used to my wings?  I do enjoy having my own little place to organize myself and have a bit of privacy.  I've got my eye on a treehouse that is currently rented  with "less than a day remaining".   If you are the owner of this little house and you've noticed a sweet, redheaded faerie loitering outside of your's me!  Are you staying?  Are you going?  Can I move in?

The price is right and I think I have worked out the math and it will be cheaper to rent that to buy.  It makes my faerie head hurt to think about it. I just want to decorate it with all the fancy trinkets I've found!!!

WOW.  I've just stumbled across another one with it's own private cave!!!  The walls are all transparent from the inside...waterfalls and mediation pillows....*dreamy sigh*  It's twice my budget.  *deflated sigh*  Awww it's in the most beautiful neighborhood with lifesized checkerboards!

I don't understand why it is frowned upon to cross SIMS?  On one hand there are beautiful bridges leading from one place to another but they have big "do not enter" signs posted upon them.  And then there are some places where you literally cannot go any further.  What is the difference?

Oooo I think I may have just found another one.  It's so hard to decide!!!

Stay tuned! 



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