Saturday, November 6, 2010

Inventory Issues - Advice when panicking over inventory loss.

They're back.  *triple checks*

Yes!  They've come home!  All of my lovely little goodies.  YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  *happy dance*

*knocks on wood*

When the problem started I had posted for help but then deleted the post when I cleared my cache and things "appeared" to be ok.  I should have known not to celebrate too soon.

At first it was 4 folders missing items.  The only things that remained in these folders were items that were saved as part of an "outfit".  I went to the secondlife wiki (again, it was full of outdated information!  Grrrrr.)  and tried all the tricks.  From the majority of the responses in the forums a simple clearing of the cache normally works.  Most of the time.

If, like me, you've tried everything and still nothing - TRY THIS!!!!!

Normally, you clear you cache as follows:  Advanced > Clear Group Cache

THE ADDITIONAL STEP THAT HELPED ME WAS THIS:  Me > Preferences > Privacy > Clear History

I am trying not to get too excited but for now, things seem to be ok on the homefront.  Now I am going to research how to back up my inventory.  I'm not sure if this is possible....but I'll find out!

What a day!




  1. I lost most of my inventory once, and didn't know what to do. I logged off, and when I logged back in the next day, it was all back, thank goodness. It's crazy, I tell you!

  2. Apparently it's not that uncommon! So stressful. All's well that ends well though. At least now I have a renewed love for all the things I thought I lost! :)
